Academic Enrichment » AIS


Academic intervention Services (AIS) is simply extra instruction. The “intervention” is a plan created by a literacy or math specialist in order to help improve a student's specific area of need.


  • Areas of need are determined by whole-school screening assessments, when a team of specialists analyzes the data and thoughtfully selects groups. The goal of intervention is to support the child’s success in and out of the classroom. This is a key component in the RtI (Response to Intervention) process.
  • Based on assessment data, students who qualify are put into one of two groups: Tier 2 and Tier 3. The difference is in how often they meet: Tier 2 meets 2-3 times a week and Tier 3 meets 5 times a week. Students who need less help meet less, and those who need more help meet more. Students in Tier 3 are typically pulled out and receive instruction in another classroom. Students in Tier 2 can either be pulled out, or a specialist can push into the child’s classroom and work on reading skills in a small group.
  • Students continue to receive special instruction on specific literacy skills for about eight weeks. Students’ progress will be regularly checked throughout the “cycle” (the 8-week intervention period). At the end of eight weeks, students will be assessed again. Those who continue to require reading assistance will stay in the intervention program, and those who are now caught up to grade level will no longer need services.