About » House System

House System

Why the House System?
St. Greg's introduced the House System for the 2022-2023 school year. The purpose of the House System is to maintain a safe, respectful, and positive environment that is conducive to learning. This System will assist in creating and maintaining a positive culture where high academic and behavioral expectations are achieved. It will also bring our students together across grade levels and create positive relationships with staff. The goal is to foster camaraderie, collaboration, and leadership among students. We want each student to gain a sense of belonging at St. Gregory the Great. Each House has a name and color that symbolizes positive characteristics and qualities we want to instill in our students.

How is the House System Connected to our Faith?

We have designed the crests to embody six saints or individuals on the path to sainthood, and six catholic virtues. The crests include the saints, catholic virtues, colors, and symbols associated with the Catholic faith. This will be taught in a scaffolded manner to students throughout their time here at St. Greg's. 

How are the Houses Organized?

We have 6 Houses that are composed of about 50-60 students per House, consisting of students from all grade-levels (PreK-8). House Prefects will organize and oversee House meetings, with the help of House Leaders (staff members). 7th and 8th grade students will work on leadership skills as they lead different activities within their House meetings and assemblies.

How can Houses Earn Points?

Students can earn points for Houses through hard work, positive behaviors, attendance and participation.

How will Points be Tracked?

Points will be tracked through RCAHousePoints.com. Points are visible to students as they are displayed on the front TV and in the school hallways.

Are there House Leaders?

Each House has 2 leaders that are faculty and/or staff members. Also, each House will have 2 “Prefects.” A Prefect is a student House Leader. Their role is to be a student leader that helps the rest of the students in the individual House and also is an integral part of ushering House participation and enthusiasm. The 8th grade students will be Prefects and the 7th grade students will be Junior Prefects. In order to become a Prefect the student must apply and interview with various House leaders. 


Click here for resources to learn more about the benefits of a House System. Click here to learn more about Ron Clark Academy.